Use "dizen|dizened|dizening|dizens" in a sentence

1. Dizen definition, to deck with clothes or finery; Bedizen

2. Bedizen (v.) "deck, dress up" (especially with tawdry or vulgar finery), 1660s, from be- + dizen "to dress" (1610s), especially, from late 18c., "to dress finely, adorn," originally "to dress (a distaff) for spinning" (1520s), and evidently the verbal form of the first element in distaff.

3. Bedizen - dress up garishly and tastelessly dizen attire , deck out , deck up , dress up , fancy up , fig out , fig up , rig out , tog out , tog up , trick out , trick up , gussy up , overdress , prink , get up - put on special clothes to appear particularly appealing and attractive; "She never dresses up, even when she goes to the opera"; "The